Cooking Equipment

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When it comes to speed and versatility, high-speed ovens not only save space, but they are also convenient, affordable and easy to use.

Alto Shaam Global Recipe Library ChefLincAlto-Shaam

Updates to ChefLinc 2.0, the cloud-based remote oven management system, include the addition of the Alto-Shaam Global Library, which gives operators access to explore a global recipe library for culinary inspiration and guidance. New reports on the dashboard offer greater insights into how the ovens are operated and maintained, such as data on missed cleans. ChefLinc works across more than 30 Alto-Shaam oven models.

Ventless fryers allow operators to offer a full menu in spaces that can’t accommodate hoods or without investing in a large hood system.

Toasters come in two main varieties: pop-up and conveyor, with higher-volume operations using the latter.

Stone hearth units can be showpieces for pizza places, among other operations. But their price tag and the importance to their operations mean restaurants should invest in their upkeep.

When it comes to caring for convection ovens, there are not many tasks required. Service life depends on usage, but these units last 6 to 10 years on average.
