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Limited square footage is a challenge in restaurants today, and this lack of space can significantly impact wine storage capabilities.

A Q&A with Shashwat Nath, product manager, controls, Heatcraft Refrigeration Products

Whether a kitchen needs a mixer for continuous use or the occasional batch, it’s important to have the right equipment for the job. A mixer that’s too large or too small can increase costs and affect performance. Understanding common misconceptions about mixers is key to making the best selection.

A Q&A with Markus Glueck, executive vice president, RATIONAL North America

With 24 kitchens serving 15,000 students, Texas’ San Angelo Independent School District requires reliable equipment that can handle producing 7,000 breakfasts and 6,000 lunches every day.

A Q&A with Kyle Kestner, business unit manager, Prince Castle

What does the future of foodservice look like? The answer is that it will look significantly
different from today, as manufacturers and operators take advantage of new control technologies, such as the cloud and IoT capabilities.

A Q&A with Jessica Harrington, principal application engineer, Accurex

A Q&A with Andrew Gomez, Specialty Coffee Sales and Training Manager, Wilbur Curtis Co.

Not all mixing needs are the same. For some kitchens, making the investment in a maximum heavy-duty mixer not only isn’t feasible in terms of cost — but it also isn’t necessary. In many cases, the kitchen may not have heavy mixing jobs or need to mix continuously throughout the day.

A Q&A with Marty Olson, district manager, Smart Care Equipment Solutions

A Q&A with Erik Koenig, vice president, Strategic Marketing & Product Content, Heritage Foodservice Group

A Q&A with Brittany Danielson, CFSP, marketing communications manager, Scotsman Ice Systems
