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A Q&A with Greg Ginther, Business Development Sales Manager, ICS

Why is modularity a benefit to operators today? Flexibility! With customized turnkey facility solutions, Kitchens To Go supply can supply modules that fit client goals and operational needs.

For many quick-serve restaurants, finding one way to do things — and sticking to it — has been the key to success. That makes them hesitant to consider changing those tried-and-true methods. But for one QSR Mexican chain, working with technology from RATIONAL and thinking “outside the box” has led to better product consistency, flavor and increased yields.

Who knows kitchen flexibility better than a chef? Lexi Zable is the chef/owner of The Grey Owl Bar & Grill, The Dip Net and The Barn, all located in Maine. 

What started 100 years ago with the establishment of the first White Castle in Wichita, Kan., — the fast-food restaurant — has grown to be an integral part of the American foodservice industry.

Ask any operator what their biggest problem is right now and the answer probably contains the word “labor.” Whether it’s the difficulty of finding employees, the lack of available workers with the right skill set or retention issues, labor is one of the biggest problems — if not the biggest problem — facing foodservice today.

A Q&A with Gina Shea, Construction and Facilities Administrator, Portillo’s

Buckshot’s Saloon & Eatery approached their peak summer season unable to stay open seven days a week, despite an increase in customer demand for dining out.

Operators aren't the only ones who play vital role in food safety. Learn how service companies and technicians can help customers keep commercial kitchens safe and sanitary.

As an operator, investing in equipment for a new kitchen can be overwhelming. To help with your fryer decision, Corporate Executive Chef of Henny Penny, Gregg Brickman, gives a thorough analysis of an open or pressure fryer.

When a convenience store recently found itself in desperate need of extra cooler space, it got some much-needed help from ICS by Everidge.

With a demand for natural ingredients, less-processed fare and fresh-baked quality, artisanal breads and specialty pizza crusts continue to be popular. Spiral mixers can help cafes, bakeries and restaurants bring their creations to life while improving the quality and consistency of the product — producing great dough each time.

Service providers, whether dealers or repair technicians, have options when it comes to parts shopping. Not only are there several retailers from which to purchase foodservice equipment replacement parts, but there are also different types of parts available, from OEM parts to OEM equivalents, making decisions feel tough.

But parts shopping doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. There are only three factors you need to keep in mind when shopping: quality, availability and cost.

Technological advances in kitchen equipment are helping foodservice operators remain flexible through these times when it’s hard to find (and keep) competent kitchen staff.

One piece of equipment that’s increasing in popularity with operators is the cook-chill unit. Because these units are so versatile, they go a long way towards making kitchens more flexible. Learn how this piece of equipment can make production easier.
