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Dunkin' Brands Group appointed David Hoffmann to serve as CEO. Hoffmann succeeds Nigel Travis, who retired from the role he held since January 2009.

Travis was named executive chairman of Dunkin’ Brands’ Board of Directors, keeping him actively involved with the company. Travis will focus on the continued development of the multiconcept operator’s international businesses, per a release announcing this news.

In 2016, Hoffmann joined Dunkin' Brands as president of Dunkin' Donuts U.S., a position he will keep in addition to his new duties as CEO. Before joining Dunkin' Brands, Hoffmann spent 22 years with McDonald's Corporation.

Over the course of two days, FE&S hosted seven fireside chats with eight different foodservice professionals in the Kitchen Innovations Showroom during the National Restaurant Association Show.

Much like the unique customer base it serves — indeed, because of it — the campus dining segment remains in a constant state of flux. Every new generation of students challenges college and university (C&U) foodservice leaders to find ways to pivot, shift and innovate to satisfy changing tastes and expectations. And, like other foodservice segments, its leaders must do more with less — less money, less labor and shorter time windows between refreshes, remodels and concept updates.

Keeping up with the changing needs and increasingly complex demands of their constituents is a constant and invigorating challenge for most college and university dining directors today.

Gen Z represents a growing group of college- and pre-college-age consumers quickly surpassing even Millennials in terms of influence on restaurants.
