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Canadian Operators to Get Environmental Resource

NRA and CRFA partner to bring Conserve tool to Canada this fall.

The National Restaurant Association and the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association (CRFA) have formed a partnership to launch a Canadian version of the NRA's Conserve Sustainability Education Program. The initiative will provide Canadian restaurant operators and foodservice establishments with tools and information to become more environmentally friendly in areas ranging from energy use to waste management.

The Conserve program in Canada is expected to launch this fall and will have an online presence to ensure operators can easily access educational materials, including videos and case studies, similar to the original program, but customized for the Canadian market. The program will provide Canadian foodservice operators with ideas about such environmentally friendly actions as how to reduce energy, waste and water.

"Environmental sustainability is a growing area of interest for our members and their customers. We look forward to leveraging Conserve's best practices and lessons into a uniquely Canadian program that will help our members reduce their environmental footprint, as well as saving them time and money," said Garth Whyte, President and CEO of CRFA.