For regular readers of FE&S, you might be tempted to skim past the masthead on page 4 because, thankfully, the names and titles haven’t changed very much over the past 12 years.
At least part of the reason for that can be discovered in the Recent Awards listing found directly below our titles. We have a talented team, and we are very proud to add four editorial awards and a national design award to our achievements. We take great pride in receiving this recognition from the American Society of Business Publication Editors.
These awards are important to us for a few reasons. First, they signify our commitment to bringing you content worth consuming, not sporadically, but consistently over time. Second, people in every organization who contribute at a high level deserve recognition from their peers both inside and outside the organization for the great work that they do. Third, it underscores the value of the human element of what we do.
With all the buzz created around artificial intelligence chatbots replacing human beings as potential sources for tasks as far-ranging as medical and legal advice to architectural design and everything in between, it will be tempting for some to entertain the idea of replacing people with AI to write articles quickly and cheaply.
Here at FE&S, we are committed to telling real stories about real people and their businesses. That takes relationships, networking, interviews, conversations, and devoting time to execute it all at a high level. So, we will leave the robot writing to others and continue to deliver on our promise to make you, the very human reader, our primary customer.
All the best,