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Hobart: A Full Line of Food Machines

mixer hl600 qr Dependable Hobart mixers handle big jobs easily.Whether you buy a warewashing product or a mixer from Hobart, you’re always getting the same level of quality and reliability.

Speaking of mixers, tell us about Hobart’s range of mixers.

CB: We offer both planetary and spiral. The planetary mixer — where the bowl stays still and the beater or dough hook moves around inside of the bowl — is a great machine for heavy-duty kneading and dough mixing. You can do a lot of different things in a planetary mixer: potatoes, dough, batter, frosting or biscuits.

The spiral will only do dough. The benefit of the spiral is that the hook stays in one place but the bowl rotates, so you’re able to work dough in a more gentle way. For Neapolitan pizza and artisan breads, where restaurants want to make a small batch of bread every day, the spiral mixer is best.

What do Hobart food processors offer that others don’t?

CB: We offer a full line, so depending on what size the kitchen you have and how much you’re preparing, we have a processor to fit your need. Our products are designed in such a way so vegetables are sliced correctly and at the right speed, minimizing food product damage and the amount of moisture that’s pulled out. Also, every device we have in the continuous feed or combination style can accommodate a dicing grid to dice fruit or vegetables. With all our products, even if you don’t buy the dicing grid initially, you have the flexibility to add it. We try really hard to make sure we’re thinking through the menu flexibility that chefs want.

How do Hobart slicers help produce better product?

CB: We use CleanCutTM, which is our trademarked stainless-steel knife with a cobalt edge. The blade is actually the only one in the industry that is stainless steel. It lasts two times longer than the competitive carbon steel product, and you don’t have to sharpen it as often. In yield testing, our yield is 2 percent higher than our nearest competitor. Extrapolate that over the number of pounds you run through daily in a busy sandwich operation and that’s pretty significant over a month and certainly over a year’s time.

What service advantages does Hobart provide?

CB: The number of servicers we have around the country is a really great advantage that Hobart can provide. None of our competitors have a service network like we do. Nobody else can do it like we can.

Check out Hobart’s full line of products at the NRA Show, booth #4031


dy0a3257Hobart food processors make quick work of big slicing or dicing jobs.

food processor action shotHobart food slicers deliver consistent slices every time.