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Jessica Shelly, Cincinnati Public Schools, Receives IFMA’s Gold Plate Award

Jessica Shelly, director, student dining services, Cincinnati Public Schools, was named the 2023 Gold Plate Award winner by the International Foodservice Manufacturers Association (IFMA).

IFMA Gold Silver Plate 2023Jessica Shelly, director, student dining services, Cincinnati Public Schools, accepting the 2023 Gold Plate Award.She was one of nine executives eligible for the award after earning recognition as a IFMA Silver Plate award winner in March. Shelly represented the Elementary & Secondary Schools category.

Shelly oversees more than 60,000 meals daily at 67 schools in the Cincinnati public school system. She’s recognized as a trailblazer in school nutrition with unique ideas such as spice stations connected to different cultures in every school, and establishing a purchasing focus around local, small businesses and minority-owned companies.

In addition to Shelly, IFMA recognized the following 2023 Silver Plate winners:
