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Combining Innovative Equipment with Outstanding Customer Service

The ATOSA Combi has perfect control of temperature and humidity, giving the culinarian confidence that each item is cooked consistently each time.The ATOSA Combi has perfect control of temperature and humidity, giving the culinarian confidence that each item is cooked consistently each time.Q&A with Jennifer Ward, Chief Revenue Officer, Atosa USA

Tell us about the history of Atosa USA.

Jennifer Ward: Many are unaware that Atosa’s products made their debut in the U.S. market during the early 2000s through OEM and private labels. Michael Shao, our president, has played a pivotal role in shaping Atosa’s trajectory and culture. In 2013, Michael brought the Atosa brand to the U.S. market. He traveled to nearly every state to meet dealers in person, which highlights his dedication to building strong relationships and reinforcing the premium quality that Atosa is known for. He has ensured Atosa’s success is built on his core values, such as ethical practices, loyalty, staying humble and hard work. His mission of sustained growth and success are attributed to building an amazing culture within the company and a cohesive and committed team that has driven Atosa to become the industry leader we are today.

How many employees does Atosa have?

JW: Over 200 professionals employed in the U.S. are part of this team that includes comprehensive engineering and robust research and development departments at our 12 distribution facilities and two expansive factories, along with several thousands in other countries.

Tell us about Atosa’s manufacturing facilities.

JW: One notable achievement at Atosa is our ability to provide a high-quality product at an affordable price. We achieve this because of our manufacturing processes that feature up to 85% automation along with being vertically integrated. This gives us the efficiency to produce large volumes of equipment, produce a consistent product, reduce labor costs and eliminate human error. Our manufacturing facilities encompass over 10 million square feet.

How many distribution facilities does Atosa have in North America?

JW: Having an extensive network of 12 distribution points across North America has enabled us to maintain an average of 70-90MM in stock with a comprehensive inventory of products. This enables us to provide prompt service with an average two-day delivery nationwide.

What challenges has Atosa addressed to protect brick-and-mortar dealers?

JW: Our commitment to Atosa’s core values and unique business model sets us apart in the market. Acknowledging the challenges faced by brick-and-mortar dealers in competing with online dealers, we try to carry the cash flow burden of inventory until dealers need product. Our implementation of our Minimum Sell Price policy ensures dealer profitability and emphasizes the importance of service quality over price. Also, adding extended warranties allows our dealers to provide peace of mind to their end-users and add value to the dealerships.

What does the future look like for Atosa?

JW: As the commercial kitchen landscape continues to evolve, our introduction of kitchen automation and robotics, where we’ve won two Kitchen Innovation Awards from NRA, is just the beginning. This has allowed us to embark on a transformative journey with an ambitious product expansion strategy and a pioneering entry into kitchen automation/robotics. Consequently, we have become a single source global solution for our loyal brick-and-mortar dealers. Over the next 18 months, Atosa has an ambitious product expansion strategy and continued investment in kitchen automation.

