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Flexibility in Today’s Kitchen

ktg Katherine MizlaKatharine Mizla, Director of Design & EngineeringQ: Why is modularity a benefit to operators today?

Katharine Mizla: Flexibility is the biggest benefit! In modular construction, individual modules stand alone or are assembled together to make larger structures. Permanent modular construction has reemerged as a viable alternative to traditional construction methods.

Q: How can Kitchens To Go help operators be more flexible?

KM: Each project is unique. We customize turnkey facility solutions that fit client goals and operational needs. Our lease fleet can get an operator going while they wait for their permanent building to be completed.

We have the capability to relocate modular buildings if a different location would be more advantageous or the property is sold. We can dismantle, move your building and reassemble on another site.

Q: Are you seeing cases where the kitchen is now actually out of the building?

KM: Yes, we are currently working on several concepts. One is a large commissary where storage and packing is inside a warehouse but the kitchen will be modular and sit outside. Another is a restaurant that needs additional space to support increased delivery business. They are placing a module behind their existing kitchen to accommodate delivery setup/pickup.

ktg Harvard CraneA modular building from Kitchens To Go provides flexibility of location, allowing operations to grow quicker.

Q: How might an operator engage with Kitchens To Go before or while their kitchen is being designed or built?

KM: As mentioned, we have an extensive lease fleet that can be utilized while an operator is establishing their permanent space. We can lease units to get them operational and generating revenue while we build their unit.
