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Top 5 Benefits of Boilerless Equipment

Alto-Shaam Combitherm oven Alto-Shaam Combitherm® ovens use boilerless, flash-steam generation to provide greater control over recovery, cooking times and food quality.

Boilerless combination ovens use a different approach to generating steam, featuring five distinct benefits that boiler ovens can’t compete with. 

Typically, boiler ovens heat up water in a separate tank, so that steam can be sent to the oven chamber. On the other hand, instead of heating water in a separate tank, boilerless models create steam by spraying water onto a heated surface to generate the precise amount of steam needed, when needed.

Boilerless, flash-steam generation provides greater control over recovery, cooking times and food quality with the ability to adjust steam volume with precision. Here are the top five reasons to choose a boilerless combi oven. 

  1. Energy and Water Efficiency
    To have hot water ready for steam, boiler-based units waste more water than boilerless models. This water is stored in an adjacent tank, whereas a boilerless oven only uses water when you need it. This design results in 80% less water usage, superior performance and improved reliability.
    The CT PROformance™ Combitherm® oven boasts the highest energy efficiency in its class in the industry, according to ratings by Pacific Gas & Electric and ENERGY STAR. 
  2. Reduced Maintenance
    The use of a boilerless unit will reduce the cost of maintenance associated with boiler parts and labor. Operations become more efficient with no costly boiler maintenance or heating element burnout, directly impacting the overall reliability of the oven. 
  3. Greater Precision 
    Inside an oven, the water flow level needs to be matched to the desired steam output. Otherwise, desired temperatures are unable to be achieved. With a boilerless combi oven, operators can specify exactly how much water to convert into steam. This flow rate is usually measured as a percentage value from 0 to 100%, and it makes it possible to replicate recipes with delicious results.
  4. Cleaning Efficiency 
    Many of today’s ovens have a self-cleaning feature, which helps to keep the interior clean and hygienic. However, boiler-based ovens have more mineral deposits than boilerless models, requiring more thorough cleaning. Likewise, if a boilerless oven has a variable-speed fan, it will disperse the cleaning chemicals throughout the oven chamber in a more effective way.
  5. Better Results with Hard Water
    Any oven that relies on steam requires filtered water to function properly. Some water sources are harder than others, which means the water contains more minerals like calcium and magnesium. Boilerless ovens can function better with hard water, whereas a boiler-based oven would need additional equipment to soften water, increasing costs.

To learn more about boilerless combi ovens, visit www.alto-shaam.com/boilerless.