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3 Trends in Foodservice Equipment Technology

What does the future of foodservice look like? The answer is that it will look significantly
different from today, as manufacturers and operators take advantage of new control technologies, such as the cloud and IoT capabilities.

As the latest technologies capture headlines and the industry’s imagination, many challenges are expected to remain — including growing labor shortages and the need to do more with less space. Here are the top three ways that foodservice equipment is adapting to meet the needs of operators today.

Connected Equipment

In today’s market, the new generation of foodservice equipment is ‘connected’ in the sense that it takes maximum advantage of Bluetooth and WiFi communication networks to enable greater control.

This allows the equipment to self-diagnose and remotely send alerts to an operator’s mobile or smart device to ensure the maximum ‘up-time’ and productivity of the equipment installed.

Control advancements are also helping overcome the labor challenge. Alto-Shaam, a leading innovator in the global foodservice equipment industry, is launching the latest version of its Vector® H Series Multi-Cook ovens with a new design and advanced user-friendly interface.

The new ovens feature Alto-Shaam’s most advanced control yet. Designed intentionally simple, they require little or no operator training. Recipes can also easily be loaded, with clear imagery and icons for easy reference. Recipes can be categorized and filtered for even easier identification. With this advancement, operators can focus on training their employees in more value-added areas.

AltoShaam VECTOR H GROUP Quarter View Low ResVector ovens cook twice as much food in the same amount of time. Cook up to four different food items simultaneously – with zero flavor transfer.

Space Reimagined

With space at a growing premium, technology is also influencing the size and sophistication of foodservice equipment. Every square inch has to be utilized at its maximum potential.

Advances in engineering have driven designers to find new space-saving solutions, which in turn has led to the development of multi-cook ovens, such as the new Vector series from Alto-Shaam, that can cook up to four food items all at once, at different temperatures, fan speeds and cook times.

With a trend towards open kitchens, manufacturers are taking greater care in how their equipment looks, so that it is more aesthetically pleasing and able to drive front-of-the-house impulse sales.

“The days are numbered for featureless, characterless straight-edged boxes,” said Tim Murphy, a product specialist at Alto-Shaam. “Our new advanced controls make them even easier to use, while the ability to customize our equipment with any color makes them ideal for front-of-house environments to enhance an operator’s brand.”

Smarter Menu Execution

Cloud-based, remote oven management systems also allow operators to have greater control over the consistency and execution of their menu. Operators are now able to push recipes, menus and limited time offers to their cooking equipment across locations and regions. This allows operators to meet growing trends for more diverse, craveable flavors.

Future Perfect

As foodservice equipment catches up to the 21st century, operators are finding that they have greater control over their menu and operation —
all at the touch of their fingertips.

For more information on the latest foodservice technologies and products from Alto-Shaam, please visit alto-shaam.com.