Operators often use undercounter dishmachines in front-of-the-house bar areas to wash mainly glassware and utensils. These units clean between 24 and 40 racks per hour, with fill-and-drain and heat recovery types on the lower end. Higher-end models can feature adjustable cycle times for light-, medium- and heavy-volume applications.
Undercounter dishmachines come in low-temperature or high-temperature versions. Low-temp machines are not recommended for bars as the chlorine sanitizer can impact the taste of wine and kill a beer’s head. Glassware washed in high-temp units doesn’t leave a residue or scent and is less prone to spotting but requires additional cooling time following cleaning. High-temp units include a separate set of rinse arms and use fresh water heated to at least 180 degrees F for a final sanitizing rinse.
Operators primarily use fill-and-drain units, which have one set of wash arms for heavy soil applications. These warewashers dump excess food waste in the water, which empties completely and then refills with fresh water for rinsing.
Undercounter dishmachines that recirculate water from one cycle to the next also are available. These units reuse the wash water until it becomes soiled and requires draining.
Most undercounter warewashers feature stainless steel construction and measure 2 feet wide by 33 inches tall. Dishmachines with double-wall construction have both an inner wall for the wash chamber and an outer wall for the unit’s outer surface. The benefits of double-wall construction include the outer surface of the machine being kept cooler; less heat loss, which improves energy efficiency; and a lower noise level during operation.