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Energy Efficiency and Smokers

With newer smoker models and specialty units, there have been advancements that enhance energy efficiency. 

Although outdoor smokers are not environmentally friendly, there have been technological advancements with these units' designs that have helped increased energy efficiency and reduce pollution.

Today's smokers also are better-insulated to help maintain heat longer.

Environmentally friendly pellet-fired smokers consume less wood, since this fuel is a renewable resource made out of compressed sawdust.

Newer technology on some cook-and-hold smokers conserve electricity, while combi oven smokers' closed systems are energy efficient.


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When to Replace Smokers

Smokers: An Overview 
Although the popularity of smoked foods varies by region, its appeal has become more universal.

How to Know When to Replace a Smoker
Smokers can last as long as 50 years, but the average service life of these units is about a decade. Here are a few signs that it is time to replace a smoker.

Smoker Applications
Foodservice operators utilize smokers to impart flavors in food that would be difficult to create in any other way.

Maintaining a Smoker
Proper smoker maintenance and cleaning is a necessity for safe use and fire prevention.

Spec Check: Smokers
One common mistake in specifying smokers is underestimating or overestimating how much capacity will be needed.

Energy Efficiency and Smokers
With newer smoker models and specialty units, there have been advancements that enhance energy efficiency.
