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ASBPE Recognizes FE&S in Five Award Categories

Nominations reflect standard of excellence in publishing.

The American Society of Business Press Editors (ASBPE) has named Foodservice Equipment & Supplies a finalist in five categories in its annual Azbee Awards, which acknowledge publications that have met high standards of excellence and are at the top of their profession. FE&S is a finalist for one national award and four regional awards.

Following is the list of Azbee categories in which FE&S earned recognition:

Azbee Category: Individual Profile
National or Regional Award: Midwest-South
Title of Entry: June 2011 Hall of Fame article - Tom Schrack Sr. of Hockenbergs

Azbee Category: Organizational Profile
National or Regional Award: Midwest-South
Title of Entry: Chain Profile – Denny's Café

Azbee Category: Feature Article - Design
National or Regional Award: Midwest-South
Title of Entry: Classic Meets Modern - How Brasserie Jo Became Paris Club

Azbee Category: Opening Page/Spread - Photo
National or Regional Award: National
Title of Entry: June 2011 Hall of Fame article - Tom Schrack Sr. of Hockenbergs

Azbee Category: Regular Department
National or Regional Award: Midwest-South
Title of Entry: Facility Design of the Month Feature

The ASBPE will announce the national and regional award winners later this summer.
