E&S Extra

Editorial Director Joe Carbonara provides insights and commentary on the state of the foodservice equipment and supplies marketplace.


Comings and Goings

The foodservice industry tends to be rather transient. Rarely a day goes by that we don’t receive word of someone changing companies for numerous reasons.

This time around, however, the parade of comings and goings takes on a little more significance than usual.

In September one of the brightest lights in the consultant community went unexpectedly dark with the passing of Reggie Daniel. Reggie spent the past five years as part of Atlanta-based Camacho Associates. Prior to that, Reggie ran his own consulting firm. Reggie’s reputation for being fair, artistic and fully engaged in his work represents but a small portion of his legacy. The foodservice industry will forever remember Reggie as a friend to many and someone willing to share a well-thought-out perspective. Most importantly, though, Reggie was a family man and very proud of the name his son Brett continues to make for himself in the foodservice industry. Given all that Reggie shared with everyone he came into contact with and Brett’s promising career path, the foodservice industry will continue to benefit from the Daniel family for many years to come.

I invite you to read the very thoughtful and personal tribute to Reggie written by longtime friends James Camacho and Cris Hansen in this month’s Parting Shot.

We also received word that Manitowoc Foodservice Group’s Gary Dykstra plans to retire at the end of the year to spend more time with his family, which includes four grandchildren. After 30-plus years in the foodservice equipment industry, Gary remains the consummate professional. Moreover, when you cross paths with Gary he always takes an interest in you. I fondly recall many conversations with Gary that began with a glass of wine in one hand and him saying, “You doing alright big guy?” That shows where Gary’s priorities lie: with the people first. Gary combines honesty with the ability to see good in almost any situation and work toward an outcome that benefits everyone, which is not always easy in today’s foodservice industry. It’s one of many reasons he’s been able to thrive in the foodservice equipment industry for so many years.

Enough with the departure talk. How about a new arrival?

It’s my pleasure to introduce Renee Pas, FE&S’ new managing editor. Renee’s editorial skills are surpassed only by her enthusiasm for creating wonderfully dynamic reader experiences. And that’s why she’s had an immediate impact on FE&S. She’s no newbie to the area of B2B publishing or the foodservice industry. Her background includes working with CSP magazine in the convenience store space. There’s no doubt that you will enjoy getting to know Renee and will join me in making her feel welcome.

Lots of people coming and going these days and the pace of business only seems to be getting quicker. Despite this, be sure to take a moment to appreciate and thank those around you because, as FE&S Publisher Maureen Slocum likes to say, it’s all about the people.
