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Chef Talk: Serving Line Flexibility

sponcon PER rupp rich 10 hs 23 04 27 4Chef Rich RuppChef Rich Rupp

Corporate Product Training Manager, The Vollrath Company

Vollrath’s new Hot, Cold, Frozen Modular Drop-In Fab Component rewrites the rules on how serving lines can be configured, and easily reconfigured, to maximize efficiency, flow and space utilization. It’s all in the name — Hot, Cold, Frozen — and it’s all about providing a single, ultra-flexible, multi-temp solution. Chef Rich shares some insights on how it works and why it’s a game-changer.

You describe the Hot, Cold, Frozen unit as a breakout solution for serving lines. Why?

We’ve always had units that offer hot and cold holding, enabling operators to segregate different menu categories. This new option, adding frozen to the mix, is just the next iteration of serving line equipment innovation. With it, operators can hold hot, cold and frozen products in a single, self-contained unit. They can have all of the wells set to the same temperature, or each well set individually. It adds a lot of flexibility and efficiency to how lines can be configured and it can be used in many ways — at different temperatures for different meal periods, to accommodate different group sizes and for a variety of buffet or event set-ups, for example. 

How long does it take for the system to transition between temperature zones? 

About one hour. So, let’s say you offer a hot breakfast buffet in the morning, with the wells heated to hold pans of oatmeal, breakfast sandwiches, or sausages. You can then change the settings for lunch to a cold system for salads or fruits and at night it can shift to frozen for holding ice cream sandwiches or pre-made sundaes. Or again, if you need all three temperature zones during the same meal period, you can set the individual wells accordingly.

Is it easy to control and reset the temperatures?

Yes. When we introduced the Hot, Cold, Frozen unit we included a digital touchscreen panel that’s connected via USB to the main unit. It’s very intuitive and easy to use, and because of the USB connection there’s a lot of flexibility on where the control panel can be placed. The hot setting is adjustable, but the cold and frozen temperatures are pre-set to ensure consistency. We’ve also designed the condensing unit to slide out, providing easy access for maintenance.

The units are only for holding, right?

That’s right. The food should already be at the desired temperature when the pans are set into the wells. They’re not designed to cool, cook, re-heat or freeze.

What types of operations could benefit the most from this new product?

Wherever equipment flexibility and efficiency are pressing needs. That really encompasses everyone from senior living, corporate and campus dining operators to hotels, buffets and a wide variety of commercial restaurant operations. And applications aren’t limited to the front of the house. For example, having the option of frozen wells can save kitchen employees a few steps by putting those menu items within easy reach.

Will the new units be displayed at The NAFEM Show?

Absolutely! Stop by the Vollrath booth (#1706) for a close-up look.
