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Expanding Culinary Creativity with Marra Forni

A Q&A with David Binkle, Corporate Executive Chef, Marra Forni

Marra Forni ovens are more than just pizza ovens. How else they can be used?

David Binkle: They can be used for anything. People call it a pizza oven, but we have a number of clients who use the ovens for all kinds of things besides pizza. It’s really a brick oven — a fireplace, if you will. The dome provides the convection and rolling heat, and the deck provides a bottom source of heat. It’s a 360-degree heating element. A number of restaurateurs do seafood — scallops, salmon or fish. Many customers use it for chicken, beef or pork. Most of the customers who do brick oven cooking use it for sauteing, roasting or grilling vegetables. We have customers who actually bake through carryover cooking while the oven is off. They’ll bake cookies or cakes while they’re doing their cleanup at night.

How can Marra Forni ovens save time and labor?

DB: Because of the brick composition, you’re able to cook at a high temperature for a shorter period of time. The temperature will allow heat to penetrate the proteins or vegetables differently than other types of cooking equipment. Marra Forni ovens are easy to operate and also easy to maintain. We have an auto-start feature, which means the oven can be automatically set to whatever time the operator is looking for without having to have any labor on-site. One customer told me, “When I got the oven, it saved me two hours a day from having somebody be on-site to turn the oven on.”

How do Marra Forni ovens help chefs be more creative?

DB: Creativity is critical because that’s obviously the chef’s canvas. Just looking at the oven, it’s different from everything else, so it triggers your thought processes. It gives you the creativity of doing things that are unique to the individual operation.

