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Improve Efficiency for Increased Profitability

Pizza Master FES advertorial photo2 1For commercial kitchens, improving efficiency means increased profit. The PizzaMaster ® team designed a high-quality electric deck oven to help commercial kitchens do just that — increase profit with its versatility, capacity, and efficiency. 

PizzaMaster offers the largest range of deck ovens in the world with 85 sizes and 1,500 models. The unit will fit almost any width and can have anywhere from one to five decks to allow your kitchen to maximize capacity and production in your available space. 

The turbo start feature allows the oven to reach temperature in just 30 minutes, and once the set temperature is reached, only 35% of the maximum power draw is used. Many states offer energy efficiency rebates for many PizzaMaster ovens averaging $1,500 per deck. In addition, each deck is independently powered and controlled allowing you to power on just the decks that are needed or to make a variety of products at one time. 

All PizzaMaster doors come standard with specially coated heat-reflective glass. This keeps the baking chamber extremely well insulated while enabling the operator to see inside, dramatically reducing the need to open and close the doors. 

Whether you are a dealer, foodservice operator, or specifier, contact MPM Food Equipment Group, PizzaMaster’s Exclusive U.S. Distributor, to schedule a demo at one of our test kitchens and you’ll see the exceptional efficiency of the PizzaMaster in action. 


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