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Instant Rebates on Commercial Foodservice Equipment Ease the Burden of Rising Prices

Traditional utility rebate programs are cumbersome and require paperwork, coordination with local utilities, and months of waiting for rebate checks to be sent in the mail. By contrast, Instant Rebates offered through the California Foodservice Instant Rebates Program are applied as a discount off the purchase price for all non-residential of SoCalGas®, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E®), Southern California Edison Company (SCE®) and San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®) customers in California.  

The program is easy - simply purchase qualifying equipment from a participating dealer and receive your Instant Rebate as a discount (up to $4,000 per unit) right on your invoice! There is no paperwork, no waiting, and no local utility coordination. A wide variety of qualifying products are available across many categories (such as Fryers, Dishmachines, and Ovens) making it easy to find a high-efficiency product for any commercial foodservice operation.

Over 130 dealer locations are enrolled and offering Instant Rebates to their California customers. Businesses looking to take advantage of these Instant Rebates can find qualifying products, participating dealer locations, and see if they are eligible for the Program at California Energy Wise.  

Energy Savings with High Efficiency  

Not only can businesses save when they make their purchase, but high-efficiency equipment also saves energy and money over the lifetime of the products. Major cooking appliances account for almost 35% of the average restaurant’s energy expenditures. Efficient equipment could help decrease a business’s energy use and costs by as much as 75% compared to standard efficiency equipment [1]

[1] Energy consumption for commercial kitchens based on Energy Star study:
https://www.energ ystar.gov/ia/business/small_business/restaurants_guide.pdf.
Actual savings may vary and will depend on various factors, including equipment installed, usage rates and so forth.


Non-residential customers of SoCalGas®, PG&E®, SDG&E®, and SCE® are eligible to receive Rebates through the California Foodservice Instant Rebate program. The equipment purchased must be installed in a non-residential location that receives natural gas and/or electricity service from one of the above utilities. 

For more information, check out California Energy Wise
or call the Instant Rebates Team at (714) 787-1098.