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Mobile Technology’s Impact on Foodservice Repair

Heritage Mobile TechnologyToday’s technology has created increased efficiencies in food service equipment repair.

When it comes to mobile technology, foodservice tends to lag behind other industries, but the good news is it’s now rapidly catching up. 

Top of the line service companies are typically the first movers when it comes to mobile technology. For some time now, techs have been utilizing rugged laptops, tablets and smartphones. These tools are linked into their company’s operating systems, enabling those in the field to have immediate access to necessary information that makes their job easier and more efficient. 

Still, it’s not always easy. With the large number of foodservice equipment manufacturers and a fragmented industry, even trained techs need assistance in taking the correct steps to access the necessary information for repairs.

This is where mobile technology can be most beneficial. Just two years ago, 5 percent of the traffic on Heritage Parts’ site was accessed with mobile devices; today that number is between 30 and 40 percent and increasing rapidly, as the industry converts to using these vital tools.

It’s not just about buying the part that’s needed. Today, technicians need to be well-equipped to service their customers, from ordering components to billing customers and signing necessary paperwork. Fortunately, one tool is all that’s needed to accomplish these and many other tasks using apps and online portals.

The benefit of Heritage Parts’ free mobile app is, whether used on a tablet or smartphone, it can be opened immediately to search for what’s needed. It’s all about efficiency. The app is created for foodservice techs and engineers in the field to get the job done with minimal steps or hindrances.

Creating a way to make buying simple is where Heritage Parts’ My Equipment360™ comes in. With this technology, customers can log all of their equipment onto their account. Then, when looking for a part or service manual they simply click on the equipment their looking at, which includes all the necessary information, such as manufacturer, model and serial number as well as the exact location of the unit in the event the operation has multiple locations. This provides the peace of mind that the repair will be done right the first time.

Everyone knows time is valuable in foodservice. With this technology, a smooth operation is almost guaranteed and customer service is taken to the next level. Forget about old school maps and pen and paper. Techs can plug a laptop into a service truck console for the fastest route to their next appointment. Or they can get immediate access to the customer’s name and number if they’re running behind or to provide an arrival time. At the service call, the tech can easily pull up a manual of researched parts, clock his time for billing, write notes down and it’s all integrated in one system. 

The goal with equipment repair and replacement parts is to verify and buy. Technology is not always about the bells and whistles, but instead should be easy to use and make tasks simpler. It’s all about confidence. When it comes to foodservice equipment, the worst case scenario is not being able to fix the problem. 

Content sponsored by: Heritage Parts