Prep Equipment

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To Replace or Repair a Food Chopper?

When a chopper does not operate properly, it can impact the quality of the food it prepares. Here are five factors to weigh when deciding whether to replace a chopper.

Broken or malfunctioning parts: These can impact the chopping results and affect the operator’s ability to properly clean the chopper. Depending on the replacement and repair costs, broken components may signify it is time to replace an existing unit.

Change in menu: Menu changes that include increased volume, especially with different food items, may trigger the need to purchase a new chopper to keep up with production and decrease the risk of cross-contamination.

Signs of wear and tear: A cracked base or other excessive signs of wear can impact the integrity of the chopper in terms of food safety and operation.

Increased service calls and high repair costs: Choppers can last anywhere from 5 to more than 20 years with proper care and maintenance. Because this equipment is affordable to replace, new units are warranted when problems arise.

Older models: Outdated choppers should be systematically replaced whenever possible.
